About Us

Ours is a small welcoming Church close to the centre of Hockley, with many points of contact in the local community, particularly with young people and their families through Messy Church, our Brightstars Toddler Group, our puppet team and the uniformed organisations. We have a modern Hall and car park at the rear of the Church and multi-media equipment in both Church and Hall. The Hall is used for a variety of community activities. The needs of our members and friends are also met by a variety of worship forms including All-age Worship,  "A Cup of Song", Communion, a regular Thursday social gathering and fund-raising activities. Many of our members are involved in other community activities and projects


Annual Reports 2023-24

What's been going on at Hockley & Hawkwell Methodist Church 2023-2024? Find out by reading the reports from all the groups that make up the Church family.


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